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We strive to provide you the best possible information on We gather this information from a variety of sources, and while we consider this information reliable, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. Model and independent retailer or community information listed, including availability, dimensions, pricing, floor plans, floor covering areas, elevations, features and other information, are all subject to change without notice or obligation. Square footage and other dimensions are suggestions and approximations. Builder supplies home only and some models are shown with optional features and/or third party additions, such as garages and decks, that may not be available in all regions or situations. While we also strive to keep our web pages as error free as possible, inadvertent human error and ever-changing situations sometimes may lead to incorrect information on a web site.


Suggested or estimated prices are based on the home only and may vary from region to region, some higher, some lower. Additional surcharges may apply at the time of purchase due to fluctuations in material costs or other market changes. Land, options, site work, freight, set-up and additions to the home are not included in pricing. Your purchase contract is with an independent retailer.


It is recommended that you contact independent communities and retailers before visiting them to determine applicable pricing, the availability of lots, the homes they offer and what they may be able to order.

Links to Retailer or other Web Sites: On many pages of you will have the opportunity to link to independent retailer websites or other third-party sites. When doing so, you are leaving the website and Kabco Homes makes no warranties and assumes no obligation, legal or otherwise, or guarantees the truthfulness, accuracy or reliability of the information maintained thereon including disclaimers and policies.


Office Hours

Monday-Thursday 9 AM - 6 PM
Friday 9 AM - 5 PM

Saturday & Sunday By Appointment Only

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2749 Highway 69 S. Lumberton, TX 77657
Phone: 409-227-4675
Fax: 409-227-0022


© 2018 KABCO Investments, Inc.

 Lumberton: MHDRET00036422 | Vidor: MHDRET00036924

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